K-LOC Calculator
K-LOC Calculator
K-LOC Calculator
K-LOC Calculator

K-LOC Calculator

version 1.01
version 1.01
version 1.01
version 1.01

version 1.01



Before we go any further about this, I want to say right off the bat that I do not in any way shape or form endorse this a an even REMOTELY valid form of metrics for measuring anything (except for perhaps complexity) related to software development.

Ok, for a little bit of history behind this whole idea of K-LOC, set you're wayback machine to when Big Blue still ruled the computer world... All of the executives needed a way of measuring performance of programers, and they came up with this great idea - a K-LOC rating! Just what exactly is K-LOC? Nothing other than 'Thousands (K) of Lines Of Code), or basically just how many lines a project is. Of course this is a nasty metric to begin with, but they even took it one step further at one point and actually PAID programmers based upon the K-LOC written! This is amazing, since bigger is DEFINITELY not better when trying to keep a project manageable; and rewarding programmer for writing more code is crazy - So, I could write this in 3 lines of code, or I can write the exact same thing is 300 lines of code... Most programmers are adept enough at math to realize they get paid more for 300 lines than 3; very bad for code complexity.

So, if for some reason you want to check this, then this is the utility for you! You can specify the file spec it will search (*.c, *.h, *.pas, whatever), it can search recursively, and will give you all the K-LOC info you desire! Now, I must say that I don't think that this is completely worthless... As I stated before, it can be handy in giving you a quick heads up as to the relative complexity of an application you may be considering porting, etc; so clearly a program that is 1.5 K-LOC is quite a bit easier to deal with than one that is 85.3 K-LOC... And it sounds soo cool, doesn't it? :)

If you minimize it, it will show up down on your system tray, so you can quickly pop it open again and find out just how much larger your rating has grown.